Friday, October 31, 2008

The American's Election

The American: Oh, there he is!
Condescending Asshole: Hi. How are you?
The American: I’m good, except for the assignment we have due next week.
Condescending Asshole: Well, at least it is not due until next Friday.
The American: Yes, except that next week is the busiest week I have had since getting here.
Condescending Asshole: Oh, why’s that?
The American: There’s an election next week.
Condescending Asshole: What election? (thinking it was something that personally affected him and would be a hindrance to him completing his assignment for Friday)
The American: The Election.
Condescending Asshole: The SRC [student representative council] election?
The American: No, the election back home.
Condescending Asshole: Oh, do you have like a city council election?
The American: No, the big election.
Condescending Asshole: a school board election?
The American (getting a little agitated): No, the American election.
Condescending Asshole: American idol?
The American: No, the American Presidential Election!
Condescending Asshole: Is that next week?
The American: Yes!
Condescending Asshole: I have heard some people talking about that before. It’s kind of a big deal right?
The American: Yes!
Condescending Asshole: Hum, so that’s this month?
The American: No, it’s next month. It’s the 4th of November. It’s always on the fourth of November every four years!
Condescending Asshole: Oh. Well, that is interesting.
The American: ...
Condescending Asshole: To be honest with you, I am aware of the forthcoming US Presidential election. I was joking, just now when I pretended not to know what you were talking about.
The American: …

Ok, I will level with you. The 'condescending asshole' described in this dialog might have been me. I don’t know why; but sometimes I am a total jackass. By the way, a Scotish friend of mine told me than when he asked the American which state he was from the American said: ‘I’m a raving Republican from West Virginia.’

Later days,

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The shrewdest and wickedest social commentator of the early eighteenth century.